
Cookies are text files that are downloaded on the user’s device when he visits a web site. They allow a website to recognize the user's device and its preferences and have different purposes such as allowing better navigation on the site itself or remembering user preferences.
Based on their purpose and use, cookies can be divided into:

  • technical cookies;
  • profiling cookies;
  • third party cookies.

Cookie settings on this site

Technical cookies

Technical cookies are those whose use does not require the User's consent pursuant to art. 122 paragraph 1 of Legislative Decree 196/2003. Among these we point out those strictly necessary without which it would not be possible to fully use the site. These cookies are used exclusively by the site and are first-party cookies. The list of technical cookies used on the site, and the possibility to disable them, can be found at the bottom of the page.

Profiling cookies

There are no first-party profiling cookies on this website.

Third party cookies

This website uses third party cookies, i.e. cookies managed and analyzed by other sites. These cookies are stored on the user’s device through the use of plug-ins or parts of code generated directly by the provider sites. In detail:
The website includes some Google Analytics plug-ins which are used to collect and analyze traffic and usage data anonymously. These cookies allow you to monitor the system and improve its usability and performance.

This website does not use (and does not allow third parties to use) Google's analysis tool to monitor or collect personal identification information. Google does not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google or attempt to link an IP address with your identity. Google may also disclose this information to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties process the information on Google's behalf.

For further information, please refer to the following link:

The user can disable Google Analytics at the following link:

This site may use social plugins on some pages that allow you to store a cookie sent and processed by social media. These are parts of the page generated directly from social sites.

The possible presence of videos from YouTube and maps from Google Maps on the site means that cookies are stored by Google and their transmission to and from sites managed by third parties.

Finally, the presence of third-party cookies involves the transmission of cookies to and from all sites managed by third parties and is governed by the relative information to which reference should be made which can be found at the bottom of this informative note.

Disabling cookies

Without prejudice to the foregoing with regard to cookies strictly necessary for navigation, the user can delete cookies through the tools at the bottom of this policy and delete them through their browser. Each browser has different procedures to manage preferences. You can receive detailed instructions using the links below.

Technical cookies

  • Name: Session cookies
    Purpose: This session cookie tags the user with an ID while using the site so that web servers can respond to their requests (e.g. by providing targeted information)
    Duration: Session
  • Name: Cookie_disclaimer
    Purpose: This cookie keeps track of whether or not a user has accepted the use of different types of cookies on the website. The cookie is a permanent cookie and is deleted if it changes
    Duration: Session
  • Name: Google Analytics
    Purpose: This website uses a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. Cookies are processed in order to compile statistical reports, aggregated, useful for evaluating the use of the website and the activities carried out by the visitor.
    Information link: Google Analytics Cookie policy

Our services
