Labour law assistance

For today's companies, managing a articulated workforce requires them to comply with applicable labour laws, staying abreast of rapid regulatory changes and managing trade union demands. It also means developing ever-changing strategies to minimize risk, increasing profits and workers' welfare.
To achieve these objectives, it is essential for employers to stay up to date with the latest labour law guidelines and recognize the risks associated with employment. At the same time, every company needs assistance in drafting and stipulating company contracts, with reference to employees and managers, personnel management and safety in the workplace.
Ascofirm assists companies in relation to:
- Recruitment and, therefore, contract drafting with the inclusion of clauses for each specific and concrete need, such as remuneration clauses; the test, the stability, the confidentiality or the non-competition pact;
- Jobs, their change and qualifications, remuneration, working hours, holidays, sickness, travel and transfers;
- Disciplinary procedures with the relevant protective and expulsive sanctions;
- Dismissals and resignations;
- Managers and any other category of workers;
- Agency;
- Specific contractual matters such as fixed-term contracts, part time contracts, project work, apprenticeships.
- The legal assistance provided by the firm follows the company both in extra-judicial and litigation phases.