Patent and trademark management

Patent and trademark management


Clearance searches:

  • Similarity searches targeting Italian, International and Community Trade Marks, with results commented upon by our legal adviser.
  • Searches for identical Italian, International and Community Trade Marks, with results commented upon by our legal adviser.
  • Worldwide searches for similar or identical trade marks.
  • Searches for the use of a trade mark in Italy and anywhere abroad.
  • Searches for figurative trade marks in Italy and anywhere abroad.
  • Searches among firms in Italy and anywhere abroad


  • Filing for protection in Italy
  • Filing for protection abroad: national, international and EC applications
  • Registration and prosecution


  • Worldwide trade mark surveillance


  • Assistance in legal disputes in Italy and abroad, both in and of court.
  • Assistance in finding potential licensees and/or assignees.

Trademarks insight



  • Name searches (by title or inventor) among patents in Italy and abroad.
  • Worldwide topic searches


  • Filing in Italy:
    - for industrial inventions
    - for utility models
    - for ornamental models
    - for multiple ornamental models
  • Filing abroad: national and international applications
  • Registration, granting and prosecution


  • Worldwide patent or subject matter surveillance


  • Assistance in patent legal disputes in Italy and abroad, both in and of court.
  • Assistance in finding potential patent licensees and/or assignees.


  • Patent translations.
  • Technical and legal translations in the industrial and intellectual property field.

Patents insight

Models, Designs


  • Name searches (by title or inventor) among industrial models and designs in Italy and abroad.
  • Worldwide topic searches


  • Filing in Italy:
    - for utility models
    - for ornamental models
    - for multiple ornamental models
  • Filing abroad: national and international applications
  • Registration and prosecution


  • Worldwide design, model or subject matter surveillance


  • Assistance in legal disputes in Italy and abroad, both in and of court, concerning designs and models.
  • Assistance in finding potential licensees and/or assignees for models and other industrial and intellectual property rights.

Models designs insight


Searches, filing, advice and assistance, including all matters relating to contract drafting.

Copyrights insight

Internet: domain names

Assistance in legal disputes, both in and out of court, in Italy and abroad concerning domain names.

Internet domain names insight


Assistance in legal disputes, both in and out of court, in Italy and abroad concerning trade marks, patents, designs, models, domain names and copyrights.

Assistance in searches for potential licensees and/or assignees for trade marks, patents, utility models and other industrial and intellectual property rights.

Technical and legal assistance, technology transfers.

Valorisation and Evaluation

Assignment, licensing, merchandising and franchising agreements.

Assessment of immaterial assets for the purpose of contributions, mergers, company assignments and the like.


Assignment, licensing, merchandising and franchising agreements.

Contracts regarding industrial and intellectual property rights and copyright.


Protection and assistance in the event of product counterfeiting in Italy and abroad.

Assistance with anti-counterfeiting operations in association with the Customs department in Italy and abroad.

Monitoring and surveillance of counterfeit products in Italy and abroad.

Training courses

Informative events and training initiatives for companies.


  • Invention and creation of new names.
  • Invention and creation of new logos.
  • Invention, creation and development of the graphics.
  • Co-ordinated image

Co-ordinated image

  • Company ranking checks
  • Checks on all forms of corporate communication
  • Co-ordination of all communication activity
  • New forms of communication

Product name/logo or service

  • Competition study
  • Ranking study
  • Creation of logo/name
  • Market perception of logo/name
  • Potential synergy of logo/name with the brand

Our services
