
Pursuant to art.13 of Legislative Decree N.196 / 2003 - Personal data protection code. The personal data provided will be treated as follows:


The collection and processing of personal data are carried out:

  • for the elaboration of internal statistics;
  • for the issuing of quotations and offers to active and / or potential customers;
  • for sending commercial information to active and / or potential customers about their business;
  • for the exchange of communications related to the economic, administrative and commercial business of the company - via telephone, post, forwarding agent, fax, e-mail and through website areas;
  • in order to comply with the obligations laid down by law, regulations, Community legislation, civil and fiscal rules.


Personal data treatment for the above-mentioned purposes is carried out:

  • through operations or series of operations in compliance with art. 4 of Legislative Decree 196/03;
  • using electronic tools suitable to guarantee security and confidentiality;
  • by the administrators of this website or by the staff directly appointed by them.


It is in no way obligatory to confer this data, except as provided for in the point below.


Any refusal to provide personal data by the interested parties determines the impossibility of completing the services related to the necessary sending of personal data.


The collected data may be transmitted and disseminated to the staff in charge of the website administration and its maintenance, responsible for this procedure or, in any case, involved in it for official purposes without the agreement of the person concerned being required;


Art. 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, recognizes the interested party the following rights:

  • the right to be informed about the existence or not at the administration of data concerning him, even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form (art. 7, paragraph 1), their origin (art. 7 , paragraph 2, letter a), the purposes and methods of treatment (art.7, paragraph 2, letter b), the logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments (art.7, paragraph 2, letter c );
  • the right to be informed about the identification data of the owner, of the manager (art. 7, paragraph 2, letter d) and of the representative (art. 5, paragraph 2);
  • the right to be informed of the subjects and categories of subjects to whom the data may be communicated or who may become aware of them as owners, managers or individual in charge (art. 7, paragraph 2, letter e);
  • the right to obtain updating, rectification or, when interested therein, their integration (art. 7, paragraph 3, letter a);
  • the right to obtain the cancellation, the transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed illegally, including those that need not be retained for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed (art. 7, paragraph 3, letter b);
  • the right to obtain the attestation that these operations referred to in art. 7, paragraph 3, letter a) and b) have been brought to the attention of those to whom the data has been communicated, excepting in the case in which such fulfilment is shown to be impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate with respect to the protected right art. 7, paragraph 3, letter c);
  • the right to oppose, all or in part, the treatment of personal data for legitimate reasons if the purpose of the data is for sending commercial information or advertising, for direct sales or for market research or commercial communication (art. 7, paragraph 4, letter a) and b);
  • the right of compensation for the suffered damage as an effect of the personal data treatment (art. 15);
  • the right to appeal to the judicial authority or the Guarantor to assert the rights listed above (art. 141 and 145).


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The website employs Google Analytics for access monitoring. The information collected by Google Analytics are used exclusively in aggregate form and do not provide for user traceability except for generic geo-location. Some of the data collected, although exclusively in aggregate form, are made available to Google Analytics for the improvement of services and for comparative analyzes.
In order to provide site visitors with a greater choice on how data is collected by Google Analytics, the Google Analytics Opt-out browser add-on is available. The add-on communicates with the Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js) to indicate that information on website visits should not be sent to Google Analytics.
Google Analytics, active on this site, uses first-party cookies to track visitor interactions. These cookies are used to track the information such as at what time the current visit occurred, if the visitor had access to the site before, and what the site referred to the visitor on the web page. Browsers do not share the information collected by cookies between different domains.


Data controller and processor:

Name and Surname: Valerio Scimemi

Address: Corso Garibaldi 49 20121 - Milan (Milan)

Tel.: +39 06.6794.312 +39 335.533.2209

Email: : vs[at]

Our services
