Ascofirm: Our Services
Ascofirm, founded and directed by Valerio Scimemi, provides consulting and management, legal, corporate, accounting, financial and tax assistance to companies, guaranteeing services that can meet the needs of every company.

Patent and trademark management
We offer services for the acquisition and protection of trademarks and patents, thus protecting intellectual property.

Audit & Assurance
Assurance and Legal Audit services give companies more credibility.

Tax & Legal
The Tax & Legal service combines legal and tax services.

Ascofirm focuses its attention on the main drivers of change.

Ascofirm provides professional services in administrative and accounting management.

Corporate Legal Assistance
Our corporate lawyers work closely with clients in multiple areas on sensitive issues and national and international transactions.

Assistance in national and international contracts
We provide legal consulting, both judicial and extra-judicial

Business internationalization
Ascofirm assists companies that are willing to operate abroad or start a new business abroad.

Labour law assistance
For today's businesses, managing an articulated workforce requires compliance with applicable labor laws

Assistance in the enterprise crisis
During its lifetime, a company can suffer moments of crisis and it is precisely at this stage of its life that legal assistance and advice become fundamental.

Banking and financial legal assistance
We help companies to tackle these problems and understand the most relevant issues in this dynamic and competitive sector.

Tax and fiscal legal assistance
Ascofirm deals with the tax aspects of ordinary, extraordinary, negotiation and corporate transactions.

Assistance in industrial, antitrust and European Union law
Our expertise includes knowledge of the competitive and regulatory implications of mergers and acquisitions.

Assistance in corporate administrative law
Ascofirm deals with the assistance and advice of companies in relations with the public administration.

Assistance in transport and navigation law
Ascofirm also deals with those branches of law that range in transport and navigation.